Strawberry Daiquiri
This drink is a great for socializing and celebrating, and it tasted fantastic. If you’re into cocktails you don’t have to go to bars to have one, cause this homemade drink is as easy as making a sandwich!
For 2-3 glasses you will need:
-250 ml liter tropical juice (most importantly it should contain apple and orange juice)
-approximately 7 larger ice cubes
-300 gram of fresh strawberry
-250 ml of white rum
-Juice of 1 lime
-Sugar (according to the taste)
Blend strawberries with ice in a blender. Add sugar, lime and tropical juice and blend again. Pour around 80 ml of rum into each glass, then add the blended mixture to it. Serve imediately.
Cocktail drink ice lime rum strawberry
By Daria Tkatchenko Larsen
January 5, 2014

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