Tag : writing

I found my old essay, called “One day in the life of Daria.” Our English class assignment was based on the work of Solzhenitsyn’s, “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.” My teacher wrote: “you could write a novella one day.” Never did I think that it would happen, but fast forward 10 years and I wrote a book. Looking back, I never really liked school writing. I liked reading, but my English class teachers were always the rigid […]

After 5 years of hard work and endless hours of writing, rewriting and going a little crazy, I am proud to announce that I finally published my first book! Despite doubts, fears, blood, sweat and tears, I made it through. As John Wayne said, courage is not the absence of fear, but saddling up anyway. Check out my work on Amazon, it’s available worldwide. You can read the first 6 chapters in the kindle version to see if it’s something […]

“File:Podstakannik mit Gold.JPG”by Maiakinfo is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 One of my Google Plus friends reminded me of this wonderful part of my past – having tea with sugar cubes in Russian overnight trains. For some reason tea there tasted much better than at home. This is how it feels like: Outside the blurry window, you see the wilderness of Eurasia -birch woods interchange the dark coniferous forests, as the train flies past old villages, overgrown cemeteries, making a […]