Tag : sad

So if you guys have been wondering where I have been all these weeks – I was home, having a very bad trip. Ever since I moved to my new place three months ago, I started experiencing a wide range of weird symptoms. It started of slowly: the head aches, the fatigue, the strange muscle weakness in my limbs, but after a couple of weeks the sickening sensations progressed it into a state of brain fog, nausea, shortness of breath, […]

Subconcious by Verismaya Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Just recently I’ve discovered that the perception and mind of an artist is truly different from other forms of perceiving the wold. All along I believed that other people, just like me, see memories/dreams/thoughts in clear, photographic-alike visions, or in a “video format”, which is then enhanced by feelings. I was therefore really surprised to find out that not everyone sees or imagines things in such a realistic way. This one little detail really […]

My beloved siberian hamster has passed away today :'( Poor baby has been slipping away in my hands, so weak and so frail. Wish I could do something to save you or give you a peaceful death. Now you are laying in the cold earth and I can’t belive you are gone forever. You are gonna be missed so much, Malish. Rest in peace. LOVE YOU :'(:'( <3<3<3