Tag : Artist

I remember when I got this post free card, I was about 12, but already firmly set on the idea that my dreams would come true. I used to look at it and think, this is what I would want my life to be like: surreal, rich with experiences, creative. I wanted to live multiple life times in one. I wanted to create a life of my dreams. And then, as if often goes, life has gotten into […]

I’ve sort of been in a state of artistic melancholia lately (perhaps because of hopelessly dark hours of the year, which I’m spending behind my computer screen, sipping cold coffee). Because of my current life situation, the existential emptiness has really hit me with a triple force this time. It has never been easy going through some life altering changes, and being in between cultures, countries and jobs made it even more difficult, but the recent events of my life […]

Here is my new Gunea pig “Ginny”:) red haired just like me. I am sort of obsessed with rodents as you can see.. And finally a pic of me with the Guinny<3

These are the details of my painting Ghosts of the Past. Here you can see both the bird and the girl in a more detailed, close up way. Just click on the pictures to see a full size preview.

Took a walk in Roskilde today, same strange feeling as before, the empty big roads, occasional cars.. makes me wanna drive somewhere, alone, into the blue. Used to imagine myself getting lost in the autobahns, the German highways with no speed limit, somewhere in middle of nowhere, by the woods, the fields, the bright street lights, calling me somewhere, where there is no beginning and no end, no people, no life, just the speed, the freedom, the silence, the never […]