Tag : psychedelic

So if you guys have been wondering where I have been all these weeks – I was home, having a very bad trip. Ever since I moved to my new place three months ago, I started experiencing a wide range of weird symptoms. It started of slowly: the head aches, the fatigue, the strange muscle weakness in my limbs, but after a couple of weeks the sickening sensations progressed it into a state of brain fog, nausea, shortness of breath, […]

Subconcious by Verismaya Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Just recently I’ve discovered that the perception and mind of an artist is truly different from other forms of perceiving the wold. All along I believed that other people, just like me, see memories/dreams/thoughts in clear, photographic-alike visions, or in a “video format”, which is then enhanced by feelings. I was therefore really surprised to find out that not everyone sees or imagines things in such a realistic way. This one little detail really […]

Took a walk in Roskilde today, same strange feeling as before, the empty big roads, occasional cars.. makes me wanna drive somewhere, alone, into the blue. Used to imagine myself getting lost in the autobahns, the German highways with no speed limit, somewhere in middle of nowhere, by the woods, the fields, the bright street lights, calling me somewhere, where there is no beginning and no end, no people, no life, just the speed, the freedom, the silence, the never […]